Friday, March 16, 2012

last few hours? days? weeks?

i cant believe for some reason that im still pregnant. right now this is the third longest pregnancy and soon to be 2nd.  will it be the  longest? im not complaining, though.  i seriously do love being pregnant.  i find it amazing.  last night john and i were just watching the baby move.  its fun how different the first movements are compared to the last ones.  hes definitely out of room, believe me lol.  its fun to watch a foot or knee slide from one side of your belly to the other.
im also getting impatient because i want to see this guy!  john says he will weigh 7 lbs 7 oz.  i could smack him lol.  my guess is 9 lbs 2 oz.  i already know what he will look like in my mind, like the other 4 lol.  they all could have been the same baby at first.  leyton looked different in the next few weeks but the other 3 were pretty similar.
i would like my body back though, for sure. as i mentioned above 9 pounds is a lot of baby.  my biggest baby so far was 8 lbs 15 oz and i dont rememeber her being room hogging lol.  and i should rememeber as it wasnt even 2 years ago yet.  amitys birthday is march 23rd.  her due date was march 30th.  this baby is also due march 30th.  fun, but i hope they each get their own special day.
having the baby starts my countdown back to work.  i am NOT looking forward to that.  we dont have a sitter lined up for the kids, especially the summer.  with all the guidelines and laws and such no one can legally have "room" for 5 extra kids. but omg i could not stay home and stay sane
so right now i am busying myself by sleeping til 10 or 11, hanging out with the two little ones while the big kids are in school, and buying and selling on the facebook garage sale sites.  i do a lot more selling than buying though, so its a healthy habit haha
so how bout this weather? i had sold all of my boy clothes when i found out amity was a girl.  she was the "last" baby so i started selling.  so, i had to buy all new (to me) clothes for the new kid in town.  wouldnt ya know i bought march appropriate clothes?  nice little snowsuit and all lol
so for now, i will just hang out and concentrate on every little contraction like feeling...and have it turn into nothing.  at times i forget that the baby really is going to come.  then we will have 5 kids!
we cant wait to share the news of the arrival and tell people his name we have somehow managed to keep a secret :)

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